Lump? Briquettes? What’s the Difference?

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Q:  Dr. BBQ,


I’ve read a lot about charcoal being made out of wood and plywood scraps.  Is this true?  What is the best kind of charcoal to use? 






A:  Hi Cheryl,


There are two main types of charcoal, lump and the more common briquettes. Lump charcoal is partially burned wood and briquettes are processed wood dust with additives to make it burn and form the familiar shape. I would always prefer the natural type lump charcoal and I have an amazing source for all the info you could ever want to know about it: Briquettes are very dense and can provide a long, slow burn. Many of them are made with a natural wheat binder and are of very good quality so don’t be afraid of them. The cheaper brands might just contain anything. Wood scraps would be fine but plywood would concern me because of the glue. Just be sure to look for a quality brand and always stay away from the self-lighting ones.


–Dr. BBQ


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