NuMex Suave Flavor, Heat

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Have you personally tasted either of the two new NuMex Suave cultivars? Do they have the same fruity sort of flavor as the ’real’ Habaneros? I’ve often thought what a great flavoring agent Habaneros would be if only someone would develop a milder form. That way, you could use a lot of them for the flavor without going to near-lethal heat levels.
Have a good-un!
Dave Hughes, Houston, Tx.

Hello Dave:
I have not tasted them, but Dr. Paul Bosland has. He says they taste just like an habanero. I have tasted a non-pungent chinense and it too tasted like an habanero.
–Dave Webmaster/designer Harald Zoschke adds:
I grew some NuMex Suave in 2002. Beautiful pods, and if you cut them open, you’ll smell that typical fumes of dangerously hot "regular" habs. Taking a bite is a surprise — little heat, but very intense Habanero aroma. When making fruita salsa for example, it is nice to combine regular Habs and NewMex Suave, so you get a more intense flavor without making it too hot to enjoy. Really worth a try!

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