Finding Fresh Cayenne Peppers in NY

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Hello Dave,

I must say, I’m enjoying your web site. Lots of info. I have been thinking hard about entering the Scovies Contest. It sounds really cool. I will decide in the next day or two. Entering the mild/med salsa contest is what I would do. Also, Is there anywhere close to New York State that has fresh cayenne peppers? I find it very difficult to purchase fresh cayenne. It’s like they are grown and turned into powder. Powder is ok but nothing beats fresh.

Hello Dan:
There is a Farmer’s Market in Union Square, NYC with 200 vendors. I would imagine you could find cayennes there. Also, you can buy three different types of cayenne pods from Cross Country Nurseries at starting in September, but they might have some ready now. Call or email them. Glad you like our site.

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