Preserving Chiles for making Hot Sauce

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Dear Dave:
I have just started making my own Habanero Hot Sauce. I have access to beautiful fresh Organic Red Habanero Peppers and would like to purchase them from the farmer in bulk. My question is, what is the best way to preserve these peppers so I am able to use them throughout the winter and continue making my hot sauce? Can I freeze them without losing the taste and heat level? Would it be best to de-stem and de-seed them put them into the food processor then freeze them in airtight ziplock bags? Thank you for your time and consideration re: these questions.

Freezing will not affect heat or flavor, but sometimes peppers lose color from freezer burn. I think your idea of making a puree and freezing that is probably the best idea. If you’re only going to freeze them for a few months, the whole pods would work well. Be sure to double bag them.

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