Damage from Excess Nitrogen in Fertilizer

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Q: Hi Dave,

This year is the first time I have planted peppers in my back yard garden. I didn’t know much about fertilizer, but someone recommended Urea for growth and I used it. The Urea I used was 45-0-0. Now, out of 20 plus plants, 3 are dead and 2 are on their way. Is there way to undo or counter or balance the effects (damage) of nitrogen? Is there a place where I can get an N-P-K chart for different vegetables?

Thank you,

Mitul Patel


A: Hello Mitul:

Unfortunately, you have poisoned your plants and there is nothing you can do except flood them with water and hope the excess nitrogen drains off.  Then, with the ones that are still alive, fertilize with a mild solution of 15-30-15.


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