Capsaicin Health Hazards

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Q:  Dave,

In looking around for the best hot sauce, I have come across many of these sauces with Scoville ratings of 1,000,000 and even up to 16,000,000 (pure capsaicin).  While I know these are food additives only, and I would never attempt to taste them on their own, what are the dangers to the body?  And at what levels would you recommend using these sauces in recipes? 




A:  Steve:

I think that the superhot sauces are dangerous to people with heart conditions and breathing problems.  Pure capsaicin is a deadly poison.  Since they are also unpalatable, I do not recommend their use at all in any recipe.  However, they are useful as a repellent for roaches, mice, and other vermin.  For more information on toxic levels of capsaicin, see my article, "Overdosing on Capsaicin,” here:


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