Freezer Burn

system Misc. Leave a Comment

Hi, Dave!I got a good crop of habaneros with my first effort growing them this year (and more on the way!). I decided on freezing them for long-term storage. As I’m concerned about the possibility of freezer burn, I have 2 questions for you:1. Once I start using my habaneros, how would I tell if they have been affected by …

Techniques for Freezing Peppers

system Chile Gardening Leave a Comment

Hi Dave,I have seen a lot of things on the internet about freezing peppers. Most say to chop up, place on a cookie sheet, freeze, then place in a zip lock bag. Is there anything wrong with simply picking peppers off of the plant, placing in a zip lock bag and going directly into the freezer? The peppers I am …

Vine Peppers?

system Chile Gardening Leave a Comment

Dear Dave:A friend of mine just brought me a very small pepper (about 1 cm) very pungent, red when ripe and when I dissected it only found 4 seeds, almost no vein. The smell is very strong like a Bird pepper (Tabasco). Now this is the odd thing: She says it grows on a vine, I have never heard of …

Maximum Pungency

system Chile Gardening Leave a Comment

Dave,I am pleased to report that my 2 jalapeno plants are doing quite well this year. Over the course of the summer the heat scale of the peppers has ranged from nonexistent to scorching. With a preference for the latter and as a guide to harvesting, I am interested in the relationship between ripeness and pungency. After about 1.5 hours …

Mulato vs. Ancho

system Chile Varieties Leave a Comment

DaveMulato or ancho, what’s the difference. What is the definition of mulato? And there are three different grades of ancho(i.e., mediano or primero, but what distinguishes between the grades. We are growing poblano peppers and wish to dry and sell them. Kind regards,Kevin Hello Kevin:A mulato is an extremly dark variety–almost black–of dried poblano. Ancho is much lighter in color. …