One of the most basic Chiltepin dishes known, this recipe is prepared only in the state of Sinaloa, where the Chiltepins produce fruits all year long. This simple soup is served in mountain villages, and everyone makes his own in a soup bowl.
2 Chiltepins (or more, to taste), crushed
1 garlic clove, chopped
1/4 ripe tomato, diced
Pinch Mexican oregano
Pinch salt
Boiling water
In a soup bowl, add all ingredients except the water and mix together. Add boiling water to the desired consistency and mash everything together with a large spoon.
Servings |
1 |
One of the most basic Chiltepin dishes known, this recipe is prepared only in the state of Sinaloa, where the Chiltepins produce fruits all year long. This simple soup is served in mountain villages, and everyone makes his own in a soup bowl. Ingredients
InstructionsIn a soup bowl, add all ingredients except the water and mix together. Add boiling water to the desired consistency and mash everything together with a large spoon.