New Find Proves Chile Sauce Use 2000 Years Ago

Dave DeWitt Chile History, Making Salsa and Hot Sauce Leave a Comment

By Dave DeWitt Using the same technology that proved the use of chocolate at Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, researchers have analyzed the contents of the residue of pots from ancient Mexico and discovered traces of chiles without chocolate. This indicates that either chile sauces were being made, or that they were used to spice up other beverages, about a thousand …

Out of the Ash: The Prehistoric Chile Cuisine of Cerén

Fiery Foods Manager Chile History Leave a Comment

By Dave DeWitt On an August evening in A.D. 595, the Loma Caldera in what is now El Salvador erupted, sending clouds of volcanic ash into the Mayan agricultural village of Cerén, burying it twenty feet deep and turning it into the New World equivalent of Pompeii. Miraculously, all the villagers escaped, but what they left behind gives us a …