I’ve been making and promoting this recipe for years. It has never caught on, but maybe it will now.
The Ultimate Turkey from Ray
Many people like to cook their turkey on those upright stands, so I thought I’d try it. I liked it so much I’m calling it The Ultimate Turkey. I use a pan underneath the whole thing so the juices can accumulate and steam underneath the turkey. You can reserve the juice then and use it in Dave’s Chipotle Gravy, below. Note: This recipe requires advance preparation.
Mole Poblano de Guajolote (Turkey in Chocolate Chile Sauce)
In an 1870s cookbook from Puebla there were recipes for 44 different moles but only one, Mole Poblano de Guajolote, or turkey in mole sauce, is called the National Dish of Mexico.
Saved by the Food Truck: Austin’s Perfect Antidote to Thanksgiving Leftovers
By Kelli Bergthold Photos By Lois Manno This year, I spent my Thanksgiving surrounded by family and friends, mesquite and “y’alls” in Austin, Texas. The dinner was potluck style, and while the food was pretty damn good (more cranberry tangerine relish or green chile-pinon cornbread stuffing, anyone?) it didn’t stop the day-after-Thanksgiving-blues from hitting me hard. It’s hard to go …
A Wacky Google Books Thanksgiving
Collected by Dave DeWitt Note: Most hundred-year-old (or more) descriptions of Thanksgiving are insufferably sappy, but thanks to the hard-working scanners at Google Books, I was able to cobble (or gobble) together some suggestions for making this holiday a little more interesting than usual. How about a shooting match with live targets? A Perfect Thanksgiving Diversion, 1897 Another of the …