Wanted: A Grill with Space

Jackson Ortega-Scheiner Rubs/Sauces/Marinades Leave a Comment

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Dr. BBQ:

I’m in the market for a smoker, but I am surrounded by Green Eggs (father, brother, cousin) but a little concerned with the cooking space. I know the Green Egg makes an Extra Large model, and I’m wondering if you could tell me the quantity of meat that you could cook on one (butts, ribs, etc.) at one time. I would also like your opinion on a good barrel smoker that retains the heat well or another that I may not have looked into. In one of your photos, on your web site, I noticed that you were cooking on a horizontal cooker that looks like it’s pretty well made. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you,


Hi Eddie,

In the picture you’re referring to I was cooking on a Lang 84. It’s an excellent offset and a bargain at the price. I’d recommend one of those anytime. In that class I’d also recommend Horizon and Klose. All excellent big offset cookers. I love the Egg, that’s no secret, but it’ll never be for high volume. If that’s what you need you should look elsewhere. The grid on the XL Egg is 24 inches. A barrel is a barrel. If you stand it on end the bottom will be hot and could burn your deck. You’ll be limited to the size of the drum, probably about the same as a 22-inch grid. Bottom burnout is inevitable and cleanout is a hassle. I’d buy a Weber Smoky Mountain before a barrel.


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