How to Cook Chicken Legs

Jackson Ortega-Scheiner Equipment and Gadgets Leave a Comment

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Q:  Hi Dr. BBQ,


Chicken legs and drumsticks are pretty flexible and hard to overcook, plus the dark meat has much more flavor. What is your favorite way to cook these pieces?






A:  Hi Chris,


I also prefer dark meat, both as a diner and as a cook. I think that”s why many contest cooks use thighs. I personally use drumsticks for competition, and here”s how I do them: First, I peel back the skin and then marinate them overnight in a quality Italian dressing. In the morning I sprinkle them with Bonesmoker”s rub, pull the skin back up and sprinkle them again. I then put them in the hottest part of my smoker for two or three hours until the internal temp is 180 degrees F. When I cook thighs, I do it a little differently—I just sprinkle them with rub and grill them direct for a bit. Then I grill them indirect until they reach the same 180 degree F internal temp.


–Dr. BBQ


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