When to Cure

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Q:  Hello Dr. BBQ,


When is it necessary to use a cure, for safety not for flavor, while smoking?  Let me quote from Great Sausage Recipes and Meat Curing by Rytek Kutas, “If it can’t be cured don”t smoke it.” 


Thank you for your time and help,




A:  Hi Paul,


I assume Mr. Kutas is talking about cold smoking, done at very low temps and not really intended to cook the product. The product will be in the “danger zone” of 40-140°F for an extended period of time, and usually never going all the way through it. For this I”d surely agree that curing is essential.  I refer to BBQ, cooking at 225-250°F as “Hot Smoking” and the meat is brought to a safe temp (140°F) in a proper amount of time so curing isn’t necessary.


–Dr. BBQ

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