How to Make the Meat Fall Off the Bone

Jackson Ortega-Scheiner Ingredients (Meats etc.) Leave a Comment

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Q: Dr. BBQ:
Thanks for making me look good! I got your book and tried the chuck roast…it was great. I did the Backyard Championship Ribs. They tasted good but were not falling off the bone good. I have a Brinkamnn Pit Master with a side firebox. I put the coals in the firebox and the ribs in the main cooking chamber. I think this was probably my error… Should I have put the coals in the cooking chamber near the ribs? Anyway thanks for such a great book.  So many receipes and so little time.
–George Poe
A. Hi George,
Thanks for the nice words. I had one of those and the temp gauge was about 75 degrees higher than the actual temp at the cooking level. That could be your problem. I wouldn’t put the coals in the meat chamber if I were you.
–Dr. BBQ
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