When Burgers Burn

Jackson Ortega-Scheiner Rubs/Sauces/Marinades Leave a Comment

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Hello Dr. BBQ:

Hey, I have a dilemma! My daughter’s birthday is next week and I bought about ten pounds of cheap hamburger meat to make enough burgers for the forty or so guests we invited so far. The other day we made some burgers with this meat and they wouldn”t stop catching on fire. They were black on the outside and raw inside and they shrunk to about an inch and fell apart. It was a disaster! What can I do to be able to use this meat for our barbeque party? I can’t afford to buy more meat and it’s a shame to throw out all this meat. Please help!



Hi Jennifer,

Well, the first thing would be to cool your grill down if you can, but sometimes that isn’t possible. The second trick would be to use some aluminum foil under the burgers. That should keep the flare ups down. If all else fails, grill the burgers until they are browned, then put them in a pan and finish them in the oven. You’ll need to have them on a rack of some sort though or they’ll be swimming in the grease.


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