Presentation Counts

Jackson Ortega-Scheiner Rubs/Sauces/Marinades Leave a Comment

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Hello DR. BBQ:

I”m curious if you could recommend some tips or a book of presentation tips for the beginning competitor? I have entered a couple of cookoffs but a little unsure of exactly what the judges are looking for. I”ve done both KCBS and Memphis in May. I’ve developed my own blends and taste is good if I say so myself, but presentation I hear is the key to success. Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated. Best Regards,


Hi James,

What the judges are looking for is beautiful meat laid perfectly in a box without too much greenery. There is no book that I know of that addresses it, but there are pictures all over the Internet. Just search for “KCBS presentation” and you should find plenty. I’d also suggest judging some contests. I think you will learn more in an afternoon of judging than you’d ever learn in a book or looking at pictures. The one thing I stress to new teams is to take the presentation very seriously. The top competitors will have immaculate boxes and if you don’t, your box won’t be judged the same as theirs.



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