A Chile Condiment I’ve Never Heard of Before

Dave DeWitt MyBlog Leave a Comment

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You’d think, after three decades of writing about chiles, that I would know every chile condiment in the world.  Not so.  Nick Vroman writes from Tokyo about koregusu, hot Korean chile peppers soaked in awamori (the favorite firewater from Okinawa) used to enhance delectable island favorites.  Nick writes:  "The label on this one says shima togarashi, or ‘island pepper,’ another way to refer to it.  I’ve seen many a homemade infusion, though, at bars and restaurants. Its main use is with Okinawan soba (noodles in a pork-based broth). The alcohol cuts through the heavy porky-ness and the spice gives depth and heat to the experience. It’s a wonderful condiment."  Nick is working on an article about koregusu for the SuperSite.

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