Smoking Peppers Hints

Dave DeWitt Chilehead Stuff Leave a Comment

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I have been smoking peppers for years (anything hot;) mixing them with some I have dehydrated and some dried onion and dried garlic then grinding them up in my wife’s blender and putting the end result in shakers. So far I have been doing carefully this in a charcoal smoker but this year I have almost 100 plants so I’m gonna have to find a better way. I’m buying another dehydrator but I need a smoker that will work for peppers instead of meat. I have about 25 varieties of peppers ranging from Jalapenos all the way to Bhut Jolokias. Any info on the smokers would be helpful. In the past I simply washed the peppers then thrust a knife thru them so they would dry and smoked them trying to keep the heat choked down less than 200 degrees and rotating the pans to help them dry evenly. I’m either going to have to have something built or get one of these Bradley smokers…any advice?


Hello Mike:

Buy an inexpensive smoker with an offset firebox, as I think those work the best.  Put them in a dehydrator first to remove most of the moisture, then smoking will take less time.  Smoke them for a couple of hours and check the status of the peppers.  The Barb-B-Chef offset smoker for $269 seems like a good deal, so go to


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