Help Identify Hot Sauce from Tinian

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Q: Hi Dave:

Can you help me identify where this hot sauce came from, and what type of hot pepper is in it?  It is made in Tiniam, USA and is named JV’s Special.  It has the phrase “Fina Denni Chamorro” on the label.  The ingredients are: salt, vinegar, soy, garlic, and Tiniam Hot Pepper.  Any Ideas?



A: Hello Bob:

Tinian is an island in the Marianas Group in the Pacific, and evidently a US possession.  The final letter in "Tiniam" on your label may be wrong.  I don’t know what "Fina Denni Chamorro" means but the "Tiniam Hot Pepper" is probably similar to the Hawaiian Bird Pepper, a semi-wild piquin type that is a small, slightly elongated pod.  The sauce recipe is similar to those in Hawaii.


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