How Close Are HPLC Ratings to Scoville Ratings?

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Q: Hello Dave,

How close are HPLC ratings to Scoville ratings?  I’ve asked several people about this but I can’t seem to get a very specific answer.  Does a 35,000 heat unit pepper based on Scoville testing have the same pungency as a 35,000 heat unit pepper based on HPLC testing?  I was always under the impression that Scoville ratings are based on organoleptic testing of a group of people in controlled conditions and HPLC ratings are based on ’mechanical’ test equipment.  I look forward to hearing back from you and many thanks for a great website!



A: Hello Rick:

Scoville ratings are based entirely upon HPLC and have been since the early ’70s.  No one does the Scoville Organoleptic Test any longer.  Why?  Because it’s expensive and inaccurate.  HPLC accurately determines capsaicin in parts per million, which are converted to Scoville Heat Units, the industry measuring standard.


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