Malagueta vs. Melegueta

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Q: Hi Dave,

I recently received seeds from one of my seed wholesalers for this increasingly popular variety.  They spelled it Malagueta, while your book Peppers of the World spells it Melegueta.  Your web site search engine brings up references to Malagueta, but none to Melegueta.  Your thoughts?


Dave Anderson


A: Hello Dave:

For the Capsicum, the correct spelling is "Malagueta," and we use that in the book.  We also use "Melegueta," referring to Aframomum melegueta, the African "grains of paradise."  Apparently, Malagueta was either named after Melegueta, or confused with it.  See pp. 17-19 in P.of W.  It is somewhat confusing.  Hope this helps.


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