Cayennes: Ripening, Recipes for Fresh Cayennes

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Q: Hi Dave,

I’ve just started out with chile gardening, with cayennes.  Can you tell me if the cayennes will turn red after picked, if harvested when still green?  Also, I’m having a hard time finding recipes for using fresh cayenne, as most call for ground or dried.  Can you direct me to the best source?




A: Hello Holly:

Generally speaking, chiles that are totally green will not ripen to red after being picked.  However, once they start to turn red, they can be picked and will ripen completely.  Ripening is a chemical process that once started, will continue. You won’t find many–if any–recipes using fresh cayennes because that is not the way they are traditionally used.  However, you can use them in recipes calling for fresh, small, hot red or green chiles such as jalapeños, serranos, or piquins.


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