Rainbow Pepper Plant Reincarnation

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Q: Dear Dave,

Much to my dismay, my rainbow pepper plant is dying. I think that I watered it too much. Can I take the seeds from the peppers that are left on the plant, in order to grow a new one? Do you have any other suggestions on how I might be able to get a "start" from the plant that is left?  If not, do you know of any place where I could get a new plant at a reasonable rate? I live in Ohio.  I have searched everywhere here for one. I have also searched the Internet and found a place where I could purchase the seeds, but I was not sure if the seeds were of good quality.

Thank you,



A: Hello Heather:

Regarding your questions:

–If the pods are ripe and not green, the seeds will be viable.  Make sure you dry them out thoroughly before planting.

–If your plant is dying, rooting cuttings will not work.

–No one is selling live plants right now (September), as it’s too late in the season.  Next year, go to www.chileplants.com and buy from them.


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