Q: Hi Dave,
I have habaneros, chiles, super chiles and cayenne peppers growing in pots on my patio. Each has produced some fully ripened fruit (which I’ve picked and frozen for future use) but each still has several fruit still green. I’m afraid I’m running out of time here in Chicago and a big chill is on the way. Do I need to pick all the fruit prior to the first frost even if green? Will the frost completely kill the plants and make the fruit useless?
Can I use peppers that aren’t ripe for hot sauces? I’m considering bringing all the pots indoors for a few weeks. Will this help?
Thanks in advance! Fire away!
A: Hello Jason:
If you have the room, the best strategy is to move the plants inside into a well-lighted area and give those pods more time to ripen. A frost will kill the plants and stop the pods from ripening. Of course, plants inside are subject to attack from dogs, cats, and children!