’Devil’s Tongue’ & ’Fatalii’

system Chile Varieties Leave a Comment

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Q:  Hi Dave,

Love your website!  Originally from Singapore, I’ve been living here in Florida the last 20 years.  Please could you tell me the full botanical/Latin names of the c.chinense cultivars, ’devil’s tongue’ & ’fatalii’.  Any recommendations for suppliers of fresh pods or pepper mash of the above would also be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,



A:  Hello Sue:

You already know the botanical names except for "c.v."  That stands for "Cultivated Variety."  So they are:  Capsicum chinense c.v. ’Fatalii’ and Capsicum chinense c.v. ’Devil’s Tongue’.  In the U.S., neither is grown commercially, so no mash is available.  Fresh pods might be available from www.chileplants.com but you will have to check out what they have left.  Email janie@chileplants.com to find out.


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