Mixing Chili Powder

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Q: Hi Dave,

I make my own chili powder and grind my peppers when doing it. Some friends have asked for bottles of it so I want to buy some ground peppers to make a large quantity. The problem I’m having is trying to find anything that will tell me how many ground peppers of various kinds are in an ounce or tablespoon (like 3 dried Habaneros = 1 teaspoon). I use about 8 different peppers, from de Arbols to Anchos in my powder, so I really need to know volume/quantity of many types. Thanks for any help you can give me, and thanks for the Chili Con Carne Project–I have used it many times for references and think it’s great.


A: Hello Bruce:

That’s like asking how many bananas are in 5 pounds. It all depends on the weight, which depends upon the size, and bananas vary from variety to variety. Chiles are variable in size and weight, so finding a standard will be difficult. Maybe you should go for a percentage rather than a weight for each one. If you could figure out that your powder has 8 chiles, that’s eight parts. If, say, it’s 2 parts ancho, 1 part de Arbols, 1/2 part habanero, etc., it would be easy to mix the powder to this ratio. Hope this helps. Glad you liked the Chili Project.


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