How to get started with Hot Sauce Manufacturing I

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I want to develop and market my own hot sauce to add to the community of hot sauce enthusiasts. Where can I find information on purchasing the equipment, empty bottles, large quantities of peppers and so forth? Can I combine pre-existing products (i.e. Heinz Ketchup with Skippy peanut butter) together to create my own flavor with out running into legal trouble?

Hello Whoever You Are:
This is not the way to proceed. Ninety percent of being a hot sauce manufacturer is marketing, not making the sauce. You should find a contract packer to produce the sauce for you, and then spend your efforts in distribution and promotion. We have a great deal of information posted on this subject in our ezines at Don’t even think about combining existing products, as you would have to buy them retail. A contract packer could easily come up with alternatives. First, develop a recipe or have your contract packer use an existing one.

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