Killing Moth Larvae in Chillis

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Q. Hi Dave

We enjoy reading your newletter, we find them informative & entertaining. We have a question regarding chillis. We have some supply of dried chillis, which we find some boxes infested sometimes with bugs, either a chilli moth or small white worms. Someone had told me that refrigerating or freezing the chillis in the box for a certain period of time, will kill any infestation & stop them spreading. Is this correct? If so, how long should we leave them in the fridge or freezer & would this effect the quality or texture of the chilli when we take them out again?

Marycarmen in Australia

A. Hello Marycarmen:

Freezing for a week will kill the moth larvae, but then you’ve got chillis infested with insect parts, not a good thing if you’re going to be eating them. If they are a food source, all infested chillis should be discarded.  Freezing dried chillis will not affect them in any way.

Dave DeWitt


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