Pods That Survived Katrina

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I have a question that I can’t seem to get a straight answer on. I spend most of my time at my home in New Orleans and grow jalapeno, cayenne and Scotch bonnet peppers. I’ve had a lot of success growing them in number of terra cotta pots, but the hurricane did a real number on my plants. By some random miracle, all but one of my plants made it through Hurricane Katrina. They have since been able to produce a pretty nice yield. Even though I’d like to make my hot sauce for my clients and friends right now, I just don’t have the time. Therefore, I was wondering the best way to harvest and preserve them ’till I’m ready to make my sauce. I had thought of just putting them in a large Ziploc for storage in the freezer. Do you know if this create an "off" flavor once I go to thaw them and blend them into a sauce? If so, what other method of preservation do you recommend ’till I’m ready to make the sauce? Since these plants were able to make it through 100+ mph winds and be thrown around my yard, I would assume these are some pretty tough guys that can make a mean sauce. 😉 I appreciate any of your sage wisdom on this topic. I’d be happy to provide you a bottle of my "Hurricane Sauce" once I get around to it. Consider it a souvenir from FEMAville. Thanks!



You have the right idea. Double bag the pods and freeze them. There will be no "off" flavor. That’s a good story about hurricant survival. Sure, you can send me a bottle of Hurricane Sauce!


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