Men, Last Longer with Capsaicin!

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Hello Dave,

This will probably be one of the stranger questions you’ve had, but it’s entirely serious! I have a problem with premature ejaculation. A doctor prescribed me Prozac and that worked quite well but I didn’t like the idea of being on a drug that affected my brain, so I stopped. Lately I’ve been eating one habanero daily, partly for health reasons and partly because I just like hot foods. I’ve been reading up on capsaicin and one thing that caught my attention is that it’s used to treat pain. My understanding is that when nerves are continuously exposed to capsaicin, they end up kind of shutting down and don’t report their sensations. I thought I’d apply that…so I cut a habanero and rubbed it on my penis! Wow, I must say that was a very difficult hour in my life. Finally, after pacing, swearing, and various attempts at pain relief, the fire went out. That night my girlfriend and I had sex and I lasted at least twice as long as usual. So I’d like to keep "conditioning" myself with capsaicin but avoid the wicked burning sensation, if possible. Can you recommend the best topical anesthetic to use? Hangin in there,


Hello Greg:

Assuming you are not pulling my leg or some other member. . . Try one of the commercial capsaicin creams at your pharmacy, like Capsaizin (or something like that). That will have far less capsaicin than an habanero, and you could apply it much sooner before intercourse.


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