Easy Jalapeno Dip

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Hi Dave,

I really love your website!

I thought you’d be the best person to ask. At a recent potluck there was a delicious dip. It was a pale green (like the color of that frozen guacamole) and the taste was incredible–just the taste of pure fresh jalapenos. The man who brought it told me his mom had made it, and all he knew about it was that she fried the peppers a little bit, and then pureed them in the blender, but knew no other details. (These people are from Mexico.) Do you know anything about this recipe? Can it really be that simple? I’m growing lots of jalapenos and can’t wait to make this, but I’d like to get it right when I do. Thanks so much!


 Hello Marlene:

Never tried that but there’s no reason it wouldn’t work. Be sure to remove the skins after frying the pods, and remove the seeds and stems. Give it a try and tell me what happens.


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