Chiles with No Heat

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I’ve been growing hot chilies for over 20 years now. This year, three varieties, ’Thai Dragon", ’Super Cayenne II’, and serrano, all have a good number of peppers coming on. The only problem is that there is NO HEAT!! None, nada, zip. What in the world is going on? The cayenne and serrano are in the ground and the thai dragon is in a container. I’ve never encountered this before. Hope you can shed some light on this. Thanks! J


Hello Jay:

Pods usually increase in heat as they mature. Are you tasting mature, red pods? If so, then the seeds you used may be hybrids. Are the pods uniform on each plant or do they vary in shape and size? If the latter, the seeds were hybrids. If a serrano, for example, crosses with a bell, many of the pods will be low in heat level.  One technique you could try is stressing the plants by witholding water until they just start to wilt.  Do this a few times and the pods should get some heat.


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