Germination Problems

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Quick question: Been trying to start some seeds, specifically, all but the chitelpin and jolokia seeds have germinated. I use one of those small Jiffy brand seed starters with the expandable peat pellets–worked great for all my other tomato and chile seeds, but not these two. Seeds are fresh. Thought about using a heat pad? Any suggestions?? Thanks!


Hello Rick:

Chiltepin seeds are notoriously difficult to germinate, typically because they passed through the digestive tracks of birds in the wild. There are a few ways to simulate this. If you know anyone who has birds, collect some bird poop and make a slurry. Coat the seeds with this slurry and let them sit for two or three days, then rinse, allow them to dry, and put them in the starter pellets. Use a germination heating mat below. Some people soak the seeds in a weak bleach solution, and some use chamomile tea.


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