Salsa Maker seeking Pepper Destemmers

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I am trying to help some friends of mine take their very delicious hot pepper salsa to market and one thing that we need is some way to mechanically stem the peppers (the peppers are small – Thai peppers I believe). Are there pepper destemmers out there? Or is this something that has to happen at harvest time? In other words, should we look for destemmed peppers in the first place?
Heather Murchison

I’ve never heard of such equipment. Because chiles come in all shapes and sizes, I think it would be difficult to design a machine to do this. Also, I don’t know of any supplier of destemmed peppers.

My webmaster, Harald Zoschke, adds:
"Actually, you might want to check with produce wholesales (–> Yellow Pages). When we still lived in Florida, making our Suncoast Gourmet line of hot sauces, we found various suppliers around Tampa, FL, willing to deliver stemmed chiles — at a price, though."

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