Old Marketplace

Hot Peppers of Martinique, 1887

Dave DeWitt Caribbean Leave a Comment

By Lafcadio Hearn Old Marketplace of the Fort, St. Pierre, Martinique Pimento is an essential accompaniment to all these dishes, whether it be cooked or raw: everything is served with plenty of pimento,—en pile, eti pile piment. Among the various kinds I can mention only the pimmt-cafe, or “coffee-pepper,” larger but about the same shape as a grain of Liberian …

A World of Curries: Caribbean Curries

Dave DeWitt A World of Curries, Caribbean Leave a Comment

by Dave DeWitt Recipes: Curried Pholourie Pumpkin- Curry Soup Jamaican Curry Goat Pork Colombo from Martinique Curried Chicken and Rotis Trinidadian Curried Lobster    Although curries in some form appear in the cuisines of most of the Caribbean, they are particularly prevalent in the countries where the East Indian population is the greatest: Jamaica, Martinique, and Trinidad and Tobago (T&T). …