Don’t Rush the Pork

Jackson Ortega-Scheiner Grilling Leave a Comment

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Q:  Dr. BBQ,I”m making pulled pork for lunch for 10 people tomorrow.  My estimated cooking time is about 10 hours so I was hoping to BBQ about five hours tonight and five hours tomorrow—placing the meat in the fridge in the meantime, sealing it up nice and tight. Do you think that would work? –Lewis
A:  Hi Lewis,

Well it doesn”t exactly work that way. First off you”ll need to make sure the meat gets up to a safe internal temp during the first session, 150°F at least. The other problem is the timing. It will take awhile the second day just to get the temp back to where you were so I’d figure probably 7 hours the second day. But there will also be carry over cooking the first day before the meat gets cooled down. All in all it’s going to be hard to predict when it will be done.

Good luck,
–Dr. BBQ

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