Building a Brick BBQ

Jackson Ortega-Scheiner Equipment and Gadgets Leave a Comment

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Q:  Dear Dr. BBQ,


I am planning to build a brick (fire brick) BBQ and I’m looking for info or advice on design.  It will not be a huge one but will include an oven that will burn both wood and gas.  The BBQ feature may be homemade, or I could go the easy route of buying an insert.  Any sites or experience with such an animal?




A:  Hi Joel,


This is a question that comes up often. There was a book published by Sunset books a long time ago that is often praised but I must admit I’ve never tackled this project before. I will someday.  Here are a couple good web sites that should get you off to a good start. I expect you’ll want to customize it to fit your needs anyway.


–Dr. BBQ


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