Cooking Deer Meat

Jackson Ortega-Scheiner Smoking Leave a Comment

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Hello Ray,

I just got your road trip book and wow, you did exactly what I want to do when I retire. I was sorry to see you did not have a chapter on New Jersey–we may not have a unique style like some other states but we like our Q. And those of us that are able to slow cook and smoke food have somewhat of a celebrity status here. Anyway, my question has to do with deer meat. A friend of mine is a hunter and is dying for me to smoke some deer meat. I can’t find anything on this and was hoping you could shed some light on the subject. What cut of meat should be used? What the temp should be? Type of wood, rub, marinade so on and so forth. Anything you could tell me would be helpful. Thank you.



Hi Michael,

Any cut should work as long as all the fat, gristle, silverskin and tendons are removed. An overnight soak in buttermilk will be good for getting rid of some of the gamey taste and it will help to tenderize the meat a bit. When you’re ready to cook, wipe the buttermilk off and season the deer with a typical BBQ rub and put it in the cooker. I always like apple or cherry wood with a little hickory added, but not too much of any of them or the deer will be oversmoked. Cook it at 235 until it looks good, then put it in an aluminum pan, pour a beer over it and cover it with foil. Return the pan to the cooker and cook until tender. When it’s tender take it out of the pan and put it back on the cooker. Brush with BBQ sauce and cook another 20 minutes.



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