Nothing Beats Slow-Cooking Brisket

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Q:  Dr. BBQ,


I thought I would seek your wisdom and thoughts on this subject: Brisket, to marinate or not. I have read on the BBQ Forum that some people do not marinate. I read one thread that used buttermilk; I have tried this and it does work. I am wondering, do you marinate using an acid-based marinade to improve tenderness?


–Brian, AKA Porkrules


A:  Hi Brian,


This is a subject I feel strongly about. I think there is a lot of misleading information around. Anyone who has cooked very many briskets knows that a little mustard, buttermilk, vinegar or pineapple juice isn’t going to turn it into a tender piece of meat. These are all things that many cooks including myself have tried on the road to learning how to properly cook a brisket. I bought “USDA Prime” briskets and I also bought a Jaccard, the spring-loaded thing with all the little blades. None of this can substitute for the proper slow cooking technique that will break down the meat before drying it out. Keep the internal temp of the meat in the 160-180°F range for a long time and it will break down while staying moist.


–Dr. BBQ

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