How to Calibrate a Thermometer

Jackson Ortega-Scheiner Ingredients (Meats etc.) Leave a Comment

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Dear Dr. BBQ:

This is probably a simple question with a simple fix. But so far the solution escapes me. I have an instant-read thermometer with an adjustable dial that I don’t really trust for accuracy. What is the easiest way to calibrate it?  By the way, tried the margarita marinade the other night and it was awesome!! Thanks,

–Dave Smith, Apple Valley, CA

Hi Dave,

Glad you like the marinade. Try putting the tip in boiling water and setting it to 212f. Make sure the water is a rolling boil, and be careful not to touch the sides of the pan.  Water actually boils at a little different temp at altitude, but you”ll be close.


–Dr. BBQ


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