Juicy Turkey Meat

Jackson Ortega-Scheiner Misc. Leave a Comment

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Q. Dr. BBQ,

Just bought your book a month ago. Since then ‘”ve tried a new recipe every weekend and loved all of them. I was thinking about making your “sherry butter” turkey for Thanksgiving. I was wondering if you think cooking the bird “standing up” as in “beer can chicken” would help it stay moist. I haven’t smoked a turkey before, but I assume in you book you are referring to cooking the bird on it’s back with the breast up? Thanks.

Travis Wiescamp

A. Hi Travis,

Glad you like the book. I don’t think the stand will do much to keep the turkey from getting dry. The main reason many turkeys get dry is because they are overcooked. The injection will help, but the best way is to get a good thermometer and when the breast meat reaches 160 and the thigh reaches 180, take it off the grill. Let it rest a bit before carving, and it should be juicy and delicious.




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