Wrapping Your Butt

Jackson Ortega-Scheiner Smoking Leave a Comment

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Hi Dr. BBQ,

We have a gas grill and I don’t know how to use it. I love my meats off the grill along with veggies. I know this might sound funny but I’m really nervous about working with propane. I even went out and bought a small grill that uses charcoal which I never could get it started. The 3 magic words you probably should never hear in a sentence together are “fire” – “propane” – and “Heather”.

Hi Heather,

My advice is to toughen up and fire that baby up. There are millions of propane grills being used across the country and nobody is getting hurt. They’re just eating good! Get the manufacturers instructions out and read them thoroughly. Then you’ll be all set. And if by chance you don’t have the instructions, they’re probably available online. Just do a Google search for the manufacturer and follow the trail.


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