When It Comes to Wood, Less Is More

Jackson Ortega-Scheiner Ingredients (Meats etc.) Leave a Comment

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Q: Hi Dr. BBQ,

I bought your book a few days ago and it is great! I can’t wait to try out the recipes you shared. I need to get the scoop on the proper use of charcoal and wood in a smoker. I have an offset firebox horizontal smoker. Information I have read online suggests you burn down charcoal briquettes and wood to coals before putting them in the firebox because of impurities. I see guys putting wood right in their smokers all the time on the BBQ shows. I am new to smoking and am looking forward to learning all I can to cook food people will enjoy.

Thanks, Bruce

A: Hi Bruce,

There are many different level of offset cooker. If it’s a big heavy one with an insulated firebox and a baffle system, you’ll be able to burn all wood. If not, I’d suggest starting with charcoal and an occasional chunk or two of wood. It’s easy to over smoke food. Start out with less, and work up to a level you enjoy.


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