Too Much Smoke Likely Caused Twangy Aftertaste

Jackson Ortega-Scheiner Ingredients (Meats etc.) Leave a Comment

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Q:  Hello Ray:

Got your book and have enjoyed trying out the recipes immensely.  I tried your big time competition brisket on the fifth. I  followed the directions closely and everything looked beautiful except the meat had a definite twangy afte taste. The only thing I can think of is I marinated it in an aluminum pan with the Schmear for 12 hours instead of wrapping it in clear wrap because I didn’t have any wrap big enough for it.  Would that give it an aftertaste? I have cooked your championship pork butt roast and it came out fabulous  I used a Brinkmann Pittmaster pit and have not had any problems with cooking steak, chicken, hamburgers or anything else. Where did I go wrong? Thanks.

A: Hi Pat,

Glad you like the book.  It could have been the aluminum pan, but my guess would be too much wood. Too much hickory or other strong wood can give the meat a metallic aftertaste that sticks to your tongue.  Keep on experimenting!


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