To Refrigerate or Not to Refrigerate?

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Q: Hello Dave!

I’m a beginning chilehead and have found many of your resources and books very helpful in my quest to learn about and experiment with flavorful fire.  However, the answer to one seemingly simple question has eluded me: How should I decide whether or not to refrigerate a particular hot sauce?  Some sauce bottles say, "refrigerate after opening,” but most give no such direction.  Should I play it safe and put ’em all in the fridge, or should I proudly display those cool bottles of heat on a rack in the kitchen?

Many thanks,



A: Hello Karl:

Better to be safe than sorry.  If you’re going to consume the sauces, refrigerate all of them.  If you’re going to display them, don’t open them.  Many people buy two bottles of each sauce–one for eating and one for displaying.


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