From Kitchen to Market

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Q:  Hello Dave,

I ran across your web site and was interested in finding out how I can take a couple of sauces I make now into the manufacturing stage, and also develop my own extremely hot sauce? You seem to be the foremost authority I have found on the subject. Any direction or information would be helpful.




A:  Hello Joseph:

The first thing to do is to read all of our industry articles located here:  The second thing to do is buy a copy of the book From Kitchen to Market by calling 800-638-0375.  The third thing to do is find a co-packer to pack your products.  Do that with a category search for co-packer in our Industry Directory, located here:   (If you have a commercial kitchen, skip this step.)  The fourth thing to do is write a business plan; there are many books and web pages on how to do this.  The fifth thing to do is find a distributor.  I recommend Dave Lutes of Hot Shots, 704-527-2422.  Regarding superhot sauce manufacturing, check with a co-packer. Good luck with your project.


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