Pods to Powder Translation

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Q: Dave,

Just ran across your page last night. Lotta great stuff! Couple of easy questions for you. I am looking for a general rule of thumb for the following: How much chipotle powder to replace 1 chipotle pepper in a recipe? How much ancho powder to replace 1 ancho pepper in a recipe? How much deArbol powder to replace 1 deArbol pepper in a recipe?  Thanks,                   


A: Hello Philip:  Since dried chiles vary in size so much, this is a rough estimate of finely ground powders, based on a minimum from the smallest pods.  You can always add more when cooking but if you add a lot to start you can’t easily take it out.

Chipotle=1 teaspoon

Ancho=2 1/2 teaspoons

De Arbol=3/4 teaspoon

–Dave DeWitt

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