Cinco de Mayo in Italy

Dave DeWitt Europe Leave a Comment

By Dave DeWitt From left, Renate Zoschke, yours truly, Prof. Amedeo Alpi, Massimo Biagi, Marco and Giacomo Carmazzi, and Harald Zoschke. Photo by Mary Jane Wilan. Other photos by Harald Zoschke. On May 5, 2015, Mary Jane and I were staying at Harald and Renate Zoschke’s house beside Lake Garda in Bardolino, Italy. But that didn’t stop us from celebrating Cinco …

Currywurst platter with sauce, curry powder garnish, and french fries, at Scharfrichter, Bremen

The Cult of Currywurst

Dave DeWitt Europe Leave a Comment

Story and Photos by Sharon Hudgins What could be more German than Currywurst: chunks of sausage slathered with a sauce based on the same ingredients as Anglo-American tomato ketchup spiced up with English Worcestershire sauce, Hungarian paprika, and Indian-inspired curry powder (by way of Britain), served with French fries on the side? And now some Germans have added another multicultural …

Dinner on the Diner, Trans-Siberian Style

Lois Manno Europe Leave a Comment

Story and Photos by Sharon Hudgins The Golden Eagle train en route across Siberia. Trans-Siberian railroad station restaurant around 1900. If you’ve ever eaten on the dining car of a train, you know that dinner on the diner can range from dismal to delightful. But who would ever think of taking a Trans-Siberian train nearly 6,000 miles across Russia for …

Ginnie Peppers from Gerard's Herbal

Ginnie Peppers in England, 1597

Dave DeWitt Europe Leave a Comment

Editor’s Notes: This description is taken from The Herball or Generall Historie of Plantes, by John Gerard (Publisher: John Norton, London, 1597). Gerard is the best known of all English herbalists mostly because of this herbal. His official career was a barber/surgeon but his first love was horticulture. For twenty years he had a famous garden in a fashionable London …