Maurizio & Luisa (Ca’ d’Alfieri)

Fiery Adventures at Ca’ d’Alfieri, Italy

Harald Zoschke Europe Leave a Comment

Fiery Adventures at Ca’ d’Alfieri, Italy Story & photos by Harald Zoschke If you think of spicy Italy, most likely Calabria will come to your mind. But even in Northern Italy, a hotbed of heat can be found, thanks to a fiery couple that changed its career in the mid ’90s. Italian Maurizio Bovi and his German friend Harald Zoschke …

Italian Cherry Peppers

Dave DeWitt Europe Leave a Comment

Our friend and fellow chilehead Marco Budinis reports from northern Italy. Ciao, Dave. I took these shots at a winter town festival for St. Anthony in Chiavari. These are various kinds of pickles, and some have peperoncini, like the pickled cherry peppers in the front row. For more information on pickling peppers, go here. The sign reads “PEPERONCINO PER SPAGHETTATE” …

Piment d’ Espelette: The AOC-Protected Chile Pepper

Fiery Foods Manager Cooking with Chile Peppers, Europe Leave a Comment

By Dave DeWitt Recipe Index: Chicken Basquaise with Espelette Piperade Sliced Veal with Espelette Peppers Axoa Lamb with Espelette Pepper <Photo by Harald Zoschke Some varieties of chile peppers are given treasured status in certain regions of the world, where they are celebrated in art, legend, the kitchen, and festivals. Paprika has such status in Hungary, the jalapeño in Laredo, …

Pimentón Growers and Processors Association Logo

Pimentón: The Smoked Chile Powder from La Vera, Spain

Fiery Foods Manager Cooking with Chiles, Europe, In the Kitchen with Chile Peppers Leave a Comment

by Dave DeWitt Recipe Index Spanish Chorizo with Pimentón Pimentón Garlic Soup Grilled Tuna Steaks with Salsa Pimentón Everyone knows that Columbus carried chile peppers to Spain from the New World on his second voyage in 1493, but who first used the pods for flavoring food? José Guerra, writing in “Foods from Spain News,” speculates that monks at the Monastery …

Is Hot Sauce a Dutch Treat?

Fiery Foods Manager Europe Leave a Comment

By Mark Weinkrantz   Editor’s Note: As a pilot for Northwest Airlines, Mark hasthe opportunity to sell his hot sauces all over the world. Far from my usual stomping grounds in the Orient, I had an opportunity to visit one of the most picturesque cities in Europe. Amsterdam sits on the North Sea with most of the city actually below …