Spicy - North Coast Jerk Pork

North Coast Jerk Pork

Dave DeWitt Recipes Leave a Comment

The Jamaican jerk cooks use a technique of cooking best described as “smoke-grilling.” it combines the direct heat of grilling with smoke produced by fresh pimento leaves and branches. While grilling, the meat is often covered with a piece of corrugated aluminum to keep the heat and smoke contained. This method can be approximated by using a weber-type barbecue with …

Spicy - Royal Thai Beef Curry

Royal Thai Beef Curry

Dave DeWitt Recipes Leave a Comment

This recipe was favorite of King Rama V, who reigned in Thailand from 1869-1910. It is tasty, rich, and very spicy and should be served with hot, cooked rice or cooked Thai noodles. Recipe from 1,001 Best Hot and Spicy Recipes. Royal Thai Beef Curry Votes: 1 Rating: 5 You: Rate this recipe! Print Recipe from 1,001 Best Hot and …

Habaneros in the Market

Piri Piri Oil

Dave DeWitt Cooking with Chiles Leave a Comment

This interesting sauce is the Caribbean oil-based variation on the African sauce from Angola, which was transferred to the region by Portuguese immigrants working the cacao plantations in Trinidad and Guyana. Use it to spice up soups and fried fish. Pimento leaves are traditionally used in this recipe, but they are hard to find. Note: This recipe requires advance preparation.

jamaican riced and peas

Jamaican Rice and Peas

Mark Masker Cooking with Chiles at the Holidays Leave a Comment

In Jamaica, Christmas carols are sung to a reggae beat and, in the small villages, Santa arrives riding in a cart pulled by a donkey, not a reindeer. A typical holiday feast would consist of curried goat, oxtails, and rice’n’ peas. Rice and peas (or beans) is a popular dish on many of the Caribbean islands. Maybe its popularity is due from the fact that rice helps tame the burn of chiles, although this version of the dish is not tame. The peas used are called pigeon peas and are about the size of garden peas and are available dried or in cans. Kidney, or red beans are also used in this dish, but during the Christmas season, only the gungo or pigeon are served in Jamaica.